Lets start all over again

Slow and Steady

May 04, 2020 | by Events & incentives | Share Now |

Now that the restart is taking place and countries slowly open world over. I feel we should all count our blessings to be given this chance to do over and create a better world for us and our future generations. Let us give thanks for how silently Mother Nature heals and nurtures. Let us all become mindful of our footsteps and leave only love, kindness and beauty behind. The lockdown has made many discover new hobbies, shone light on some amazing previously hidden talents like singing or cooking or even eating .For me this stop and restart has taught me to care for the smallest things around us. No, not the phone or the work, but the buzz of the bees and the blooming of the flowers. It seems that my angle of sight has just shifted to reveal a new perspective to life.


I still want to see the world and to connect with people world over, but slowly , cherishing the food, the flavours and the life around me.Enjoying the simplest of pleasures of travel i.e. to sip coffee on a cold winter morning as my glasses fog with each breath on the Swiss Alps.


To drive on a cloudy day to a waterfall on the Ghats of  Konkan  (Maharastra ) and feel the spray of water on my face.


To cook up a local dish in Srilanka and present it for the monks.


Today I do not want to rush from one place to another. Today I want to experience the journey. Today I want to travel.

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